Zoom Zoom. A clever little logo for an auto manufacturer several years ago that has absolutely nothing to do with my blog today. Rather, today we consider the global situation that is affecting and infecting most every corner of the globe. The cause, as we all know, is the coronavirus. An illness that seems to have scientists worldwide puzzled, political parties snarling at each other and pointing fingers, a virus with a seemingly unknown cure for those afflected, a feeding frenzy for News stations thrilled to have more fear and trauma to feed to their avid followers, and even conspiracy theorists who crawl out from under the woodwork. And all the while people our suffering an agonizing death with suffocation-like symptoms.
For all too many it has become an asylum for wailing, self-reflective pity, pleas to the government to grant assistance and lamenting the state of affairs in which they find themselves. Many with good reason.
Others view it as an inconvenient burden on their life or choose to ignore the reality of the situation. They give a deaf ear to the warnings of social distancing and fail to take precautions, therefore jeopardizing not only their own health but the lives of those around them. And sadly, there are the bottom dwellers, who become hoarders with no concern for their fellow men and women, stockpiling everything from toilet paper to food to freezers. All unnecessarily.
There are those who may have lost their jobs, found themselves in financial constraints, and realize the potential severity of the situation. But this section of the populace stands apart from the rest of the masses. This group chooses not to join the rest of the thundering herd. Instead they look for opportunities, chances to improve their own financial situation while helping their fellow man. Others prepare to surge forth in a successful and fulfilling manner as soon as the sense of normalcy returns. Almost all of them wanting to help others.
This last group is comprised of the leaders, the thought leaders and those who see potential in the darkest of hours. Rather than bemoaning this situation and asking for sympathy they look for opportunity and then act on it. These are the leaders, the people who will flourish and grow in this time of unusual circumstances. These are the people to watch, and to model. They’re not the survivors, they are the winners.
And how do they do this? By changing their perspective, something we are all quite capable of doing. If you choose to do so. Instead of looking at the problems look for solutions and then act on them. Instead of puttering around feeling sorry for themselves, choose to take the attitude of Zoom Zoom and see this as a font of opportunity. As it can be.
These are the people we should view as teachers.